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Barcodes: The Confirm Assistance Barcode

In barcode mode, rather than clicking the [Confirm Assistance] button, can there be a barcode that is scanned to confirm assistance? YES!

Isaac Simon avatar
Written by Isaac Simon
Updated over a year ago

If you're a Plus user in CharityTracker or Oasis Insight, you have access to barcode mode. This has been a tremendously helpful feature that speeds up and streamlines recording assistance provided to your clients.

It's now even easier and faster with the addition of a special barcode that can be scanned to confirm assistance, eliminating the need to click [Confirm Assistance] or pressing the key combination of SHIFT+ENTER.

How to print the confirm assistance barcode

  1. Click the blue [My Agency] button (or the red [Admin] tab if you're a network administrator)

  2. Click the [Barcodes] sub-tab

  3. Click the [Print Barcodes] Button

4. In the "Print Barcodes" dialog, you will now see a new option to include the confirm assistance barcode. It is already checked by default.

5. Now, along with your regular workflow of printing barcodes, the confirm assistance barcode will be included at the bottom of the printout (example shown below)

Want to simply download the image of the special barcode?

Right click on the image below and click "Save Image As..."

For more information about using Client ID cards and barcodes, including recommended scanner hardware, check out this list of articles.

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