Yes, importing your existing database is possible with help from our technical team. To ensure that the database is imported accurately, our team performs the import. You can send us (see links below) a sample of your existing database and we will give you an estimate of what the cost will be.
The one-time charge for a database import is quoted at the rate of $150 per hour. Most imports usually take 1 to 3 hours ($150-$450) to complete however this depends on the format of the CSV data provided to us and a quote will be provided before any import is done.
Please see the following template files as well as a summary of how each file relates to each other:
Example Case Import Fields.csv - This first file is where client information will be imported into CharityTracker (or Oasis Insight) as new Cases.
Example Assistance Import Fields.csv - Each row in this second file is an Assistance record that can be attached to the Cases uploaded from the first file. The Cases (first CSV file) and Assistance records (second CSV file) will be linked together with a unique ID number that you assign to each Case.
Example Notes Import.csv - Each row in this third file is a Note that can be attached to the Cases uploaded from the first file. The Cases (first CSV file) and Notes (third CSV file) will be linked together with a unique ID number that you assign to each Case.
Again, once we’ve had a chance to review your files, we’ll provide you with a quotation for you to decide how you would like to move forward.
Zip up your files and use the following links to securely send them to us:
Secure Upload -
If you have any questions regarding your import, please get in touch with us.