Click on [My Agency] tab
Click on [Reports] sub-tab
Click on "Cases" report
Select either of the following:
"Show Cases Created by Your Agency" - to show all cases that were created by agents inside your own agency
"Show Cases Assisted by Your Agency" - to show all the cases that have assistance records associated with their case file
Select one of the Formats: "List" format is pretty, but not the best option for printing a simple client list; "Table" format is very "Client List" friendly; "CSV" format opens in Excel.
Select any filters that are appropriate: For example, if you have a date range, use the "Filter by Entry Date" or "Filter by Assistance Date" (Note: "Entry Date" follows the "Show Cases Created by Your Agency" option. "Assistance Date" follows the "Show Cases Assisted by Your Agency" option.)
If you desire to see a list of "Head of Household" only, click on the "Filter by Demographic Profile Match" and select "Other Case Information: Head of Household".
Click [Next]
To put your report in alphabetical order, select "Case Name" in the "Order by" drop-down
Un-check "Case Summary" in the "Report Sections to Include"
Select the appropriate fields in "Cases Table Report Fields"
Click [View Report]
Once your report has run, click [Go Back] in the upper left corner
Find the report in your Recent Reports
Click on the "Add to Saved Reports" link (see far right of the report name)