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Customizations Available Upon Request
Customizations Available Upon Request

Additional features/functionality that you may not be aware exists.

Kyle Minckler avatar
Written by Kyle Minckler
Updated over 2 months ago

Miscellaneous Functionality

Whether you are a new network or have be using the system for years, there may be features and functionality that could serve you and your partners! Below we outline several options available upon request - Email or if interested in implementing any of the following:

Network Optimization

Network administrators may wish to review the following areas to see if optimizations may be helpful in the following areas:

Custom Development Available Upon Request

There is a development fee of $150/hr for our technical team to make customizations to the system and/or create custom forms/reports based upon your needs. A development quote would be provided upon request if you were to forward an overview of the information you would like to begin capturing and reporting on. Please reply to this email with the form examples and our development team will review and reply with a quote.

Case Sharing Settings

By default Cases are shared with all agencies on the network. However, some networks wish for some Cases to be not shared due to privacy concerns, policy and procedures. There is a setting under [Admin] tab >> EDIT NETWORK SETTINGS that allow for Cases to be set to "Visible to: My Agency" or "Visible To: A Privacy Group" (learn more about Groups feature here)

Visit the [Add New Case] or [Edit Case] screen and scroll to the bottom to set the privacy setting:

NOTE: Multiple Cases can be entered for the same person which would skew network-wide reports; duplication of services likely.

Add Multiple Relationships (vs. Add Single Relationship)

A network-wide setting can be activated to allow for multiple relationships to be added at once vs. a single relationship.

Standard Options For Text Fields

Instead of a text field a drop-down list of set options can be added for the following fields upon request:

  • Street City (ie. alphabetical list of cities most commonly serving).

  • Phone Number (ie. Cell, Work, Home, Other).

  • Identification Numbers (ie. Driver's License, Student ID, etc.)

  • Income Sources (ie. Wages, Child Support, SSDI, etc.)

  • Expenses (ie. Rent, Utilities, etc.)

  • Relationships (ie. Parent, Child, Spouse, Grandparent, etc.) - Learn more here.

[Video: show about pros (better data entry to streamline the options) cons (can no longer type text in.... we suggest always having "Other" in the list).

Set A Default County

County (set it under [My Agency] tab and it carries over to the [Add New Case] screen. Watch video here:

Default Income & Expenses Interval

One options such as Weekly, Monthly, etc. can be set as the default interval. Contact support team.

Custom Sections to [Add New Case]/[Edit Case]

The support team can add additional "Sections" to the Add New Case/Edit Case screen upon request. These sections can house demographic fields that can be seen by all agencies or made agency/group specific. See screenshot -

Custom Assistance Fields on [Add Assistance]/[Add Request]

When adding an Assistance record additional fields can be added by our support team for recording/reporting more details.

Add Request/Referral - see screenshot -

Add Assistance - see screenshot -

Available upon request. Custom development fees may apply ($150/hr).

Custom Assistance Vouchers

When adding an Assistance records you may need a [Print] option for a specific voucher or form to be handed to a client (ie. referral print-out, etc.).This would require customization by our team at the rate of $150/hr. Learn more here.

Custom Assistance Alerts (ie. Criteria-based Triggers)

When adding an Assistance record a message can display based upon parameters. Criteria-based prompts can be set-up in your account by our support team - For example: Let’s say your organization allows a household to visit the food pantry only one (1) time per week. An assistance trigger can be set to display a message like “Alert! This household has already been served with food in the current week. Please review” if they attempt to receive food again in the same week.

For each assistance trigger we would need to receive an email to our support team at or with:

  • A.) the Assistance Category (ie. Food: Food Pantry Visit);

  • B.) Threshold and Timeframe (allow 1 assistance per week; 2 times per calendar month, etc.);

  • C.) Title + Text of notification;

  • D.) Does this apply to a Household or individual Case only.

Additional costs may apply if there are a large number of triggers or custom triggers that need to be developed (quoted at rate of $150/hr).

Custom Case Banners

Display a message at the top of a Case (or in [Barcode Code]) to remind a user to take action or notify of important information. This can be based upon a demographic field or some other programatic trigger. For example: Inactive Cases, It's time to Recertify for a Program, etc.

Available upon request. Custom development fees may apply ($150/hr).

Custom Case Banner (Points Banner)

A case banner could be custom developed with a "Points Balance" which will display at the top of a guest's Case file or display when using the barcode scanning feature See example here. Points can be attributed to clients and then "Withdrawn" from a points balance using assistance records. Also you would need to create assistance categories for the sections "+ Points" and "- Points" (example step-by-step video here).

This would require a one-time custom development fee and an estimation would be 2-3 hours ($300-$450). To discuss further you can schedule a date/time with our technical team here at this link.

Custom Case Banner (Alert Banner)

When an Alert is added to a Case the [Alerts] tab should be the first screen that appears when the Case is opened in the future:

However, if you're using [Barcode Mode] the Alert does NOT pop up unless you contact the support team to activate the "Alert" banner on [Barcode Code] mode. See screenshot here:

Custom Reports

There is a development fee of $150/hr for our technical team to make customizations to the system and/or create custom reports based upon your needs. A development quote would be provided upon request if you were to forward an overview of the information you would like to begin capturing and reporting on.

Please feel free to contact us with details or mock-up of your report. Or, if you'd prefer to speak by phone, email us with some possible dates/times and we will coordinate a time to discuss with the development team.

Custom Reports Available Out-of-The-Box

Below you will find a list of reports that can be uploaded upon request by the CharityTracker or Oasis Insight support:

Multiple ID Card (Avery 8371)

Cases Report (Barcodes)

Cases w/ Barcodes Excel

Cases Report (Barcodes)

Graphical Heat Map

Assistance Report

Graphical Heat Map



Households By Zip Code

Households Assisted Report

Assistance By Zip Code

Assistance Report

Assistance By City

Assistance Report

Assistance By County

Assistance Report

Assistance by County + Ages

Assistance Report

Assistance w/ Digital Signature

Assistance Report


Changes Over Time (All)

Assessments Report


Assessments Pie Chart

Assessments Report


Changes Over Time (Case)

Case Report (Assessments)


Agencies Network Overview

Agencies Report (Admin)


Custom Assistance Summary

Assistance Report


Please be aware that some of the above reports were originally designed for a specific customer so there may be some elements that are not editable without custom development.

Custom Form Builds

There is a development fee of $150/hr for our technical team to make customizations to the system and/or create custom forms/reports based upon your needs. A development quote would be provided upon request if you were to forward an overview of the information you would like to begin capturing and reporting on.

Custom Agent Roles

We can add new agent roles and/or adjust an agent's permissions to fit your needs. Since this is controlled on our side of things, email us with your request and we will do our best to meet your request (learn more about agent roles here).

Custom Release of Information (ROI) Form

If you wish your custom ROI would pre-fill our technical team can review and provide a quote to develop into the system for a one-time fee (learn more about ROIs here).

Assistance Units

Assistance "Units" are typically thought to just accomodate "Dollars" ($) for financial assistance and/or "Box/Bag" for Food, etc.

Many customers expand these "Units" to include "Hours", "Meals, "Gift Cards", "Attendance", "Items" and so on to track all different types of assistance provided. To adjust your list of "Units", go to [Admin] tab >> click EDIT NETWORK SETTINGS >> go to [Units] sub-tab.

**Note** - The support team can add agency-specific Units upon request. For example, let's say Agency ABC has a Unit that is not used by other agencies on the network, it can be added to the [Units] list as an option only for Agency ABC to use.

Funding Sources

When adding assistance, you will find the "Edit Funding Source" link towards the bottom of the "Add Assistance" window.

Click on that link to access the drop-down options and select the appropriate funding source.

Funding sources can be easily added by the network admin. If you are a network admin, simply click on your [Admin] tab

...and do the following:

  • Click on "Edit Network Settings" link on the left side of your screen

  • Click on the [Funding Sources] tab

  • Click "add funding source"

  • Enter the name of your funding source

  • Click [Save Changes]

**Note** - The support team can add agency-specific Funding Sources upon request. For example, let's say Agency ABC has a funding source that is not used by other agencies on the network, it can be added to the [Funding Source] list as an option only for Agency ABC to use.

Hiding Unused Features

If there are Tabs on the right-side of a Client's Case that you would prefer to be deactivated (ie. Alerts, Assistance, etc.) contact us.

If there are features you're not using contact us and we can hide upon request. For example:

  • Release of Information

  • [Barcode Mode]

  • [Add Request/Referral] Button

  • [Agencies] tab + [Invite] button (if not networking with other agencies)

  • [Request Membership] button on login screen

  • Other fields on [Add New Case/Edit Case] screen can be hidden or made required. Learn more here.

Assistance Request/Referral Table

Assistance Requests ([Add Request +] button) are a way to manage assistance requests made by a client so that a status like "Pending" can be associated while under review and, later, be updated to "Approved/Completed", "Denied", etc. depending on the outcome.

Assistance Requests can be referred to other agencies on your network using the [Add Request/Referral +] button.

A table can be activated for a network upon request so that all Requests or Referrals can be easily seen in one place and reviewed accordingly (under [My Agency] tab >> [Requests] or [Referrals] sub-tab. Here's a video explaining how it works:

Displaying Demographics

Demographic fields display on the [Personal Info] screen of a client's Case file by defaults. Additionally, if certain demographics are very important for users to see/reference, we can also have them display in the following areas of the system upon request:

  • Right-side of a Case file

  • [Barcode Mode]

  • Search Results

Hide "History of Modifications"

A history of all modifications to a case is displayed on the [Personal Info] under a client's [Personal Info] tab (see screenshot here).

This section can be hidden for the entire network or for a particular agent role (learn more about agent roles here).

Privacy Groups

Using privacy Groups, you can specify that only a particular group of agents can see certain client information. This is managed by a network administration under the [Admin] tab:


Use Events to record bulk numbers (not associated with Cases) for events out in the field, attendance, etc.

Feature available upon request with the "Plus" or "Pro" levels of service. Learn more about the "Events" feature here.

Offline Assistance Tool

Export an Excel file of Cases to add assistance records in a bulk way by uploading a mass assistance file. Great for offline distributions.

Custom TEFAP/CSFP Paperless Module (USDA Feeing Program)

Paperless TEFAP Module
Starts at $1,875 (4-6 Weeks Delivery). A final quote given upon review of below:

  • Your TEFAP State Form Blank PDF

  • Your Certification Timeline (ex. 12 month recertifications)

  • Are there additional forms/reports needed?

Paperless CSFP Module
Starts at $3,750 (4-6 Weeks Delivery). A final quote given upon review of below:

  • Your CSFP State Form Blank PDF

  • Your Certification Timeline (ex. 36 month hard recertifications, with 12 month soft (verbal) recertifications)

  • Are there additional forms/reports needed?

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